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DOLRE N232 (TL2 according to MASH*) 

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* determined by numerical computation

Outstanding design

DOLRE N2 rénovation (1).jpg

Fuse system:

  • saving installation time

  • preservation of the support (concrete)

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Capture d’écran 2018-01-16 à 09.55.39.png

The lowest transmitted efforts of the market:

M=11 kNm

V=44 kN/post

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Briefly ...

Steel restraint systems are linear elements designed to straighten the path of vehicles. They are made by assembling steel components.


In accordance with NBN EN 1317-1/2/5, the performance are:

  • Minimum containment level: N2 (=TL2)

  • Maximum working width : Wn 3

  • Vehicle intrusion : VIn 3

  • Acceleration Severity Index (ASI) :  ASI B

The additional features are:

  • To ensure the guardrail function, the overall height in relation to the concrete support ≥1,20 m

  • To limit the influence on the structure, the maximum space requirement between front and rear post face = 47 cm

  • To limit or even avoid reinforcements, the forces transmitted by post 4.0 are M=11 kNm, V=44 kN

  • For maintenance reasons and possible in situ push tests the fussible system it is located outside of the anchorage, meaning , on the post.

Guardrail fonction:

  • Handrail height at 1.2m.

  • Filling preventing the passage of a 15cm diameter cylinder.

  • CE certification of the entire system (slide + filling).



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